Cell-size-dependent regulation of chromatin in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Supervisor: Dr. Kurt Schmoller

Enrolled since 2021

I completed my BS-MS degree in Biological Sciences from IISER Bhopal, India (2016-2021). In November 2021, I joined the Schmoller group at Institute of Functional Epigenetics(IFE), Helmholtz Munich to pursue my doctoral studies.My PhD project focuses on the cell-size-dependent regulation of chromatin in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. 


  • Chadha, Y.*, Khurana, A.*, & Schmoller, K. M. (2024). Eukaryotic cell size regulation and its implications for cellular function and dysfunction. Physiological Reviews. (Manuscript Under Review)
  • Khurana, A., Chadha, Y., & Schmoller, K. M. (2023). Too big not to fail: Different paths lead to senescence of enlarged cells. Molecular cell, 83(22), 3946–3947.